People & Technology Training: Cybersecurity and your business

Office staff receiving Security Awareness Training

Your company’s employees are your greatest asset. But if they’re not properly trained in cybersecurity, they may be your greatest liability. Knowing that, what is cybersecurity, why is it so important, and how does this impact your best asset in your team members? What is Cybersecurity: Here’s what Cybersecurity is It’s protecting company information and…

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How Human Error Affects The Security of Your Business Technology

Your biggest asset is your people.   But when it comes to the health of your technology, your biggest internal threat to the security of your company’s IT network are those same imperfect humans. We’re talking about human error. Before we get too deep, please understand that no one is perfect. However, there are specific…

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How Your Business Should Prepare in the Case of Another COVID Shutdown

The COVID-19 situation has quickly escalated into a political hot button, with everyone wanting to weigh in. Ticker boards were implemented on news sites detailing the number of people affected by the virus, social media is wrought with arguments, family feuds are exploding over group text messages, businesses are being drastically affected, and people are…

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How Poorly Designed Work From Home Policies Affect Your Business (Working From Home During Coronavirus)

Companies that previously laughed at the idea of working from home are now desperately wondering how to keep themselves and their employees productive during the realities of work-from-home-life. It’s become clear that remote working policies should be covered by your BDR (business disaster recovery) plan as well as hygiene and social distancing for those who…

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