People & Technology Training: Cybersecurity and your business

Your company’s employees are your greatest asset.

But if they’re not properly trained in cybersecurity, they may be your greatest liability.

Knowing that, what is cybersecurity, why is it so important, and how does this impact your best asset in your team members?

What is Cybersecurity: Here’s what Cybersecurity is

It’s protecting company information and systems from major cyberthreats by enforcing a set of techniques and best practices, used to protect the integrity of your networks, your line-of-business applications, and your data.

The practice of great Cybersecurity is designed by proactive, not reactionary. It should be in place before a threat is present. Cybersecurity is important for a variety of different reasons. One of them is industry regulation. Different industries, like financial services and banking, have different laws when it comes to information protection. Each industry has a different set of laws that you should be aware of when it comes to training your employees. Whatever business you might be running, you should make sure you’re adhering to those cybersecurity laws.

How to prevent Cyberthreats to your business

Aside from the law, the biggest reason that cybersecurity should be a priority for you and your employees is the presence of cyberthreats.

Cyberthreats can damage or even completely destroy the reputation of your company.

They can be designed to steal proprietary information and can cost you and your company thousands, even millions, in information damage. In fact, according to the Better Business Bureau, less than half of small businesses could survive over three months after losing their data to a cyberthreat and in 2015, 43% of cyberattacks targeted small businesses. There are several different types of cyberthreats that can attack small businesses and they can come through email, social platforms, servers, downloads and type of network that may require a password.

Any small missteps could cause big problems for you and your company.

Here is how your business can stay vigilant in your efforts to protect your company, and your people.

  1. Identify security risks and vulnerabilities. You should be working to identify and evaluate your policies, permissions, assets, and infrastructure to determine your organization’s security disposition. You want to learn where your biggest risks are and how to tackle them.
  2. Establish a robust cybersecurity strategy. Ideally, you need to ensure that you have the necessary protections and practices in place to prepare for even the most elaborate threat scenarios. At Cooperative Systems, we have a proven process that does this for you.
  3. Proactive management and optimization. Finally, you’ll need to execute a multilevel, next-gen approach that gives you peace of mind knowing you’re poised and ready to proactively address any cybersecurity threat to your business. .
  4. We’ll ensure you meet and uphold all relevant cybersecurity standards and regulations.

In today’s day hyper-technological culture, you cannot escape cybersecurity threats. No business can. Solving this IT challenge should be something that engrained inside the culture of your business, every day.

Good cyber hygiene is knowing what systems and networks you use to run your business, knowing what software is running and at what times, understanding the threats that could pose problems for your business, and most importantly, training your employees in all forms of cyber security and hygiene.

Need help teaching your employees the importance of cybersecurity? Click here to get started.