Your Staff Needs Security Awareness Training

Office staff receiving Security Awareness Training

Your business is already compromised by insider threats  You don’t need a computer science degree to know you don’t want your data leaked.   As modern technology emerges at a breakneck pace and skews the playing field, criminals are always one step ahead with complex, harder-to-detect cyber threats. However, even with their expertise, the chances of…

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What is the Dark Web?

Hacker searching the dark web

We use the internet every day for a multitude of reasons — Email, social media, or even fact-checking something you said earlier in a conversation. Facebook, Twitter, and Google are popular websites we often find ourselves gravitating to whenever we’re bored, and with it, we assume we can see everything going on in the world.…

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Beware of These 3 Trending Social Engineering Scams

What is social engineering  As more businesses transition to remote work and operating from a cloud, threat actors have discovered the biggest weak point in their cybersecurity—the employees.   Social engineering is a tactic used by criminals designed to abuse human emotions such as empathy or fear to convince an unsuspecting victim to do any desired…

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Top 3 Personal Password Managers

You need a password manager You can’t remember every password for every service and tool you use—that’d be unrealistic. If you can, that means your passwords are too short, easy to remember, or are all the same. It’s a blatant vulnerability that any thief could capitalize on. You might be tempted instead to use your…

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May 5th is World Password Day — is Yours Secure?

Did you know one of the easiest vulnerabilities for a cybercriminal to target when infiltrating your system is your password? 81% of 2021 US data breaches were caused by weak passwords with high credentials according to the Verizon 2021 Data Breach Investigation Report (DBIR). They’re a common human error, but the reason we do it…

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What Is The Dark Web And Why Is It A Threat To My Business?

what is the dark web

You’ve probably heard bad things about the dark web, or Darknet as it is sometimes called. With “dark” in the name, it even sounds scary… but do you know what the dark web actually is? In this post, we explain the what, where, and why of the dark web and how it might affect your…

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