4 Must-Have’s Of Every Successful Disaster Recovery Plan


Previously, we explained why it’s prudent for your business to have a backup and disaster recovery (BDR) plan in place with the help of a managed service provider (MSP).

Since there’s no perfect way to plan for the future, take what steps you can now to protect the business you run. To ensure that data is secure it needs to be backed up and quickly recoverable so that downtime is minimal when the unforeseeable happens.

Today, we want to give you an understanding of some of the top features that should be implemented in your BDR plan with an MSP. BDR plans differ from business to business, but there are basic ground rules for what services you should expect your IT provider to offer.

Here are 4 main components of every successful disaster recovery plan to keep in mind as your business develops its own unique strategy:

1. Inventory of Data

A primary reason it’s so difficult for a business to recuperate after a disaster event without BDR measures in place is because customer data is affected.

All of a customer’s data could vanish, the project or product you were building for them could disappear, or, worse even, all their contact information and all of the above could be destroyed or compromised. The implications are brutal.

There’s a tremendous cost to experiencing downtime. The statistics vary, but here’s a general formula for calculating the cost of downtime if you lose all your customers data.

It breaks down like this: Cost of Downtime (per hour) = Lost Revenue

Cost of Downtime = Cost of Intangibles (i.e. Reputation Cost) + Cost to Recover + Lost Productivity.

If you don’t have access to the data relating to your clients, you’re going to be out of business within months if not weeks. There is also the obvious potential for mistrust or perceived mismanagement that can lead to loss of business. A comprehensive backup and disaster recovery plan covers all your customer data and regularly backs it up to prevent losses aforementioned.

2. System Threat Susceptibility

Your MSP should give your system’s components a thorough assessment and understand what its weaknesses are.

Ideally you want to carry the following simple questions to a discussion with your MSP:
Is our system accessible to the public?
Are we protecting information that is attractive to cyber attackers?
What are the risks to our system?

An inherently susceptible system doesn’t necessarily mean that attackers will be able to target it; however, you should still ask yourself if there are any access points to your information that an attacker could potentially exploit.

Being aware of your system’s shortcomings will help your MSP provide better service and protect all your sensitive data.

3. Threat Response Capability Analysis

You really should have an understanding of what the impact of a security breach could mean for your business, and the possible results if your data is compromised.

This shouldn’t be seen as a fear tactic, but realizing that all servers face a risk of being breached. It really comes down to the level of security you and your MSP partner employ.

Ideally, you need a well established multi-layered security plan, so that way if one of the layers is hacked, the others should still protect the server until your MSP can address the break. Work with your MSP to assure all of the points-of-access of your business’ data, virtual and physical, and enforce these areas with extra protection.

Remember, unprotected backups are highly susceptible, double check and make sure your BDR plan with your IT firm takes steps such as authentication and access controls requirements, that way a hacker can’t gain instant access to your sensitive data.

4. Communication: Security is a collaborative effort

No matter if you employ an MSP to handle all your security, a large percentage of responsibility falls your business to protect your business as a whole.

You need to be aware of your backup data recovery plan, along with working with them to use best practices of security.

Be wise with your decision of an MSP to handle your delicate information. Research the company and examine their services, experiences, and certifications. You want to work with an IT firm that has worked with your businesses industry, and they understand what your network needs and will come up with a plan best for your company.


Can your business live through a data loss?

If you don’t have a Backup Data Recovery plan, your business may be left crippled in the face of a calamity.

Contact us today to learn how we can get you on a trajectory to being prepared.