Three Ways To Better Manage Your IT Team

To manage your team better, especially in the realm of IT, it is important to consider who makes up that team.

When we think of “IT guy” we think smart, determined, and analytical in nature. They are problem solvers, coders, and programmers. They fix broken things like email servers, databases and Microsoft software suites. They build software integrations that create efficiencies to save time and money. They’re valued in times of technology trouble, and they tend to be peculiar in nature.

They can be stubborn, difficult communicators, and at times they’ll drive you downright crazy.

So, how do you manage and work with your typical IT staff? How can you create an efficient and effective IT support team that plays nice in the sandbox?

Better Manage Your IT Team

1.) Know This: They just want to help.

Wanting to help is the nature of IT technicians’ personalities and the role itself.

At the end of the day, they love solving your IT problems. From email issues and hardware hassles to software struggles or snags with your remote monitoring applications, they just want to work to fix your staff’s IT annoyances.

Some might do their tasks begrudgingly, but most love what they do.

When you’re developing your game plan for how to manage and build an IT team, you need to understand this one truth: Your IT team, whether internal or outsourced, desires to help.

2.) Treat them with respect.

Often times, your IT staff does not get respect.

Many people tend to talk down to IT guys because of their natural tendency of conflict avoidance and lack of ‘A’-type personality.

They fear sticking up for themselves, and this can affect how others treat them.

Help them by building their confidence. Help them grow by treating them with the utmost respect. No one likes it when their email goes down, and we all certainly hate it when we have technology issues. Couple these frustrations with an IT person who feels a lack of respect and you’ll have more struggles than you bargained for.

One of the things we’ve found to be helpful when managing your IT team is utilizing a strengths finder assessment.

There are some great ones out there, like DISC and Myers Briggs. Use these to help you understand your team and also determine what motivates them.

3.) Learn about them.

Just like with any other coworker inside your company, they all have interests, hurts, wounds, and things they’re passionate about. Often times, because IT guys aren’t the most social, people tend to keep clear of them unless they need something.

The result is an IT person that few people know much about.

Whether you work with an IT guy as a colleague, or you manage one as an IT Director, it’s your job to serve them and get to know them as they do you. Figure out what they like outside of work, why they got into the profession of IT and what their passions are.

Maybe they’re Harley enthusiasts, or they love to travel. The bottom line: Get to know them. Learn about them so that you can build a solid working relationship that’s cohesive and productive.

Get to know us.

Now that you know a bit more about how to work with awesome IT guys, and some more about how we work, we’d like to cordially invite you to get to know us at Cooperative Systems

Check us out here to learn more about how we can help you become better with partial or fully outsourced IT solutions.