Ransomware Survival Guide: How To Survive Ransomware Attacks

Ransomware holds its spot at the top of the list of malware threats year after year for good reason: It is a highly profitable and effective attack vector for cyber criminals. In order to figure out how to survive these attacks, businesses absolutely need to have a strategy and plan ahead of encountering ransomware scenarios.

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In this one-stop guide you’ll find tips on how to handle ransomware once it hits, and you’ll also gain some valuable tactics for preparing your company to handle ransomware…BEFORE it strikes!

Tech Tips from CoopSys – Episode 7: How To Survive Ransomware Attacks: Survival Guide

The corresponding episode of Tech Tips from CoopSys, How To Survive Ransomware Attacks, is below. We covered what ransomware is, how it works, what to expect if you encounter it, what to do if it hits you, and what you can do to prevent it from attacking you and your business.

How To Survive Ransomware: Basics

Ransomware is a specific type of malware. It is a form of trojan, which is malware that comes in the form of software in disguise. Once ransomware is executed on a machine it does its damage by seizing something and holding it hostage. That might take the form of the whole network, or it might take hold of particular components or data files. From there, it demands compensation, commonly in the form of cryptocurrency, to release what it is holding hostage.

Ransomware finds its way into machines by way of social engineering most commonly. A user might open an attachment that looks innocent but is carrying malicious code, or they might click on a popup or download request notification thinking it is just a regular update from the operating system of the computer.

However it does get in, it either takes over in the form of an encryption attack or a locker attack.
With encryptors, data gets taken hostage and encrypted, and the promise is that once you pay the ransom the data will be decrypted and returned to you. Unfortunately we know that this is very rarely the outcome and so many businesses have been left without their funds and their data after ransomware hits.
With lockers, the entire device or even the whole network in a business is locked and inaccessible. At that point, the only way to “unlock” it is supposedly with payment to the criminals.


When it comes to battling cybersecurity risks, it’s so important that you have tools and staff you can trust and rely on.

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