Cybersecurity Summit Series: Charting Evolving FinServ Cyberthreats

A Complimentary Webinar Sponsored by Cooperative Systems.

Actionable Strategies from IT Experts

On April 23, cybersecurity experts Steve Leventhal, CEO at cyber risk advisor Fellsway Group, and Scott Spatz, partner and President at Cooperative Systems, led a webinar that outlined:

  • The current threat landscape
  • Why FinServ companies are being targeted
  • Cybercriminal access points
  • What cybercriminals are seeking
  • Recognition and immediate mitigation steps

Whether you missed the webinar or you’d simply like to revisit the event to mine its insights, we’re making the full recording available to you. For access to the webinar recap, simply fill out the form to the right.

About the Sponsor

Event sponsor Cooperative Systems offers comprehensive managed IT Services tailored to meet your business’s unique needs, achieving superior performance through its holistic, strategic, and proactive approach, expert and insightful talent, and best-in-class technology tools and resources.

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