Connecticut Underwriting Firm Partners with Cooperative Systems to Tackle Several Technology Pain Points

How we helped a Connecticut Underwriting Firm to modernize their IT infrastructure and network to increase daily productivity and respond to adverse events. 

HOVIN Underwriting offers professional life underwriting solutions for the life insurance industry. Their clients include multiple large and respected life insurance carriers that are experiencing and/or expecting staffing fluctuations or backlogs. 

HOVIN was facing four technology challenges including inconsistent power and internet services, aging physical infrastructure, and an unreliable remote work environment. They reached out to us for help.  

How we did it:  

We started by conducting a comprehensive technology assessment to drill into the nature of the issues impacting their infrastructure and end-of-life network equipment. As a result of this audit, we uncovered concerns regarding their business continuity preparedness.  

Once we collected and analyzed our findings, we created a technology roadmap and implemented the steps to address their priority concerns.  

We upgraded and replaced their network equipment and other physical infrastructure to streamline and optimize operational efficiency. During this time, we also remediated the issues causing inconsistent power and internet services. We set up redundant internet and backup power sources, which also contributed positively to their remote work environment and to their business continuity preparedness. Lastly, we set them up with a predictable IT support process to address any new issues quickly.  


HOVIN’s productivity and efficiency improved dramatically with reliable internet and power sources. Their remote staff was able to accomplish more throughout the day and to serve clients better. They were better prepared in the case of an adverse event meaning they were prepared to continue their operations and/or recovery quickly. Lastly, outsourcing their technology to an IT partner helped them create an annual, working technology budget so they could plan for their IT needs more effectively.  

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